History of Mudjacking

History of Mudjacking

Concrete Lifting in The 1930’s by Mudjacking

History of Mudjacking

Concrete Lifting in The 1930’s by Mudjacking






Mudjacking commonly known as concrete lifting or slabjacking has been around for more than 80 years, since the 1930’s, and is used by the industrial, commercial and private sectors across Canada and the United States.

When done properly, it has been proven to be a cost-effective and reliable method of raising sunken concrete back to its proper height.

Mudjacking Concrete Lifting Method Process

• 1” holes are marked and spaced every 3 to 4 feet in a grid pattern on the concrete pad, depending how the concrete is sunk. Depending how much the concrete is sunk 2 rows minimum or more is put in the concrete to properly raise and fill the concrete pad.

Mudjacking And Polyurethane Foam Concrete Lifting

Mudjacking Hole Pattern Layout For Driveway

• A mix of sand, fine clay and cement is blended together with water, creating a flowable slurry mix.
• A hydraulic pump injects the blended mudjacking material underneath the concrete filling the voids, which then raises the concrete to its intended height.
• Once finished, the concrete lifting job is then cleaned and washed with a pressure washer.
• The drilled 1” holes are then filled and patched with a grout.

Mudjacking Material

• Flowable non-expanding slurry mix that is hydraulically pumped.
• Caliber Mudjacking Ltd uses a high quality materials consisting of sand, fine clay and type 10 hydraulic cement mixed with water, creating a slurry mix.
• Environmentally friendly.
• Does not easily erode away, which lasts the life of your concrete pad.

Mudjacking Facts

• After installed mudjacking materials will stay soft for a few hours.  This allows the concrete pad to float up to its original height rather than being forced up, which occurs when raising a pad with foam.  Floating the concrete up provides less stress on the concrete and gives a higher success rate while raising the pad to its original height.
• Mudjacking Materials are non-expanding, making it easier to control the concrete pad when raising and filling voids.
• Preserves the life of your concrete, eliminates trip spots, solves water problems by providing proper slope and drainage for the concrete pad.
• Mudjacking is approximately 30% to 50% of the cost of ripping out and replacing concrete.
• Fast, clean, and same day service for most residential and smaller commercial jobs.
• Economical solution for many different problems common to the Peace Region and the North and can be used for a wide range of jobs and applications.
• Strengthens the concrete pad by raising the concrete to proper height for its intended use and fills voids, which stabilizes the base underneath the concrete.
• Mudjacking is a lasting solution if ground settlement is finished and water is directed away from the pad.


Large majority of sunken pads need room to move lengthwise and/or sideways to achieve their proper elevation. Raising the concrete pad on a soft layer of mudjacking material allows for the pad to slide one way or the other while it’s being raised.  This makes it easier to ensure the pad comes back to its original height without creating numerous cracks in the pad.  This is a common problem when raising a pad, and is one of the main benefits to mudjacking.

Concrete Lifting Services in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Fort St. John, Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Hay River, Yellowknife, North West Territories, WhiteHorse, Yukon

Mudjacking Equipment